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School News
We appreciate your support in making Portola a safe school community. We all have to be conscious and intentional when it comes to making safety a priority. Please make a commitment to yourselves and our children, to emphasize and model safety at all times.
- Please use the pick up/drop off zone for the intended purpose.
- In both parking lots, please only park in designated stalls. In the Partridge parking lot, please do not park at the curb closest to the Kindergarten classrooms. In the Eagle parking lot, please do not park in staff designated stalls.
- Never block handicap parking, and only use the handicap stalls when you have a placard.
Always follow all traffic laws around our school campus and plan to arrive early.
All students are expected to be on campus at 7:55AM. Thank you for your support in making sure our students arrive on time and ready to learn!
School attendance is vital to our students’ academic success. Arriving at school on time allows the classroom teacher to fully engage students in their learning with minimal interruption. Missing 10% of school (1 or 2 days every few weeks) can also make it harder to:
- Gain early reading and math skills.
- Build relationships
- Develop good attendance habits.
Please work with your child and his/her teacher to develop your child’s strong attendance.
- Set a regular bedtime and morning routine
- Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
- Share ideas with other parents for getting to school on time.
The PFFO strives to provide a setting for our parents, faculty and community to come together in a spirit of collaboration to improve the lives of our children through a variety of programs and services.
We invite you to join us and be a part of this exciting environment on our campus!